Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Tending Trump

When Donald Trump skipped the Iowa Republican debate, he held a rally which collected money pledged to support our veterans ... something like $6 million. These pledges went into a Trump personal foundation and were slowly distributed to various veterans' groups. I have said I was going to monitor the progress of these donations previously in this post: Unvetting. Now it seems all of these contributions have been properly dispersed with the addition of an extra one million dollar personal donation from Trump ... but it took a fine follow-up story by the AP for this to be done ... see: AP Story.

Now Donald Trump is a fast and loose operator and doesn't always cross the "T" in Trump. But the good news is that, with media follow-up, he does what he promises ... as opposed to that pretender in the pink pants suit. If Trump is elected president, will he still be so diligent? Hopefully, but clearly only if our national media keeps him honest through good reporting ... which would be out of character for them. As Ben Rhodes recently pointed out in his disclosures of how he hoodwinked the media about the Iran nuclear deal, our media tends toward lassitude and often just copies White House press releases. They are, in essence, just stenographers (as Rush Limbaugh used to say.)

So, given that Trump might be elected in the Fall, our national media will have their work cut out for them. They will have to tend Trump's promises to make sure he delivers ... and, given their natural animosity for The Donald, this might just energize them to the point where they will do their jobs. Of course this will be an adversarial relationship and Trump will do a lot of griping ... but it might just work for getting more of the right things done.

If Hellery is elected, the media would obviously be a lot happier. Then they could go back to sleep.

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