Monday, June 06, 2016

Pissing up a Rope

A scientist who is a true believer in global warming being caused by CO2 ... nevertheless confesses that the world is pissing up a rope (didn't quite say it that way) if we believe that we can cut carbon emissions anywhere near what was recently agreed to in the Paris COP21 conference ... See: CNBC Story. And even if the world does the best that it can do to meet this goal, this would cause mass starvation, huge quality of life impacts and ultimate world strife ... yet still at a cost of $15.4 trillion over the next 40 years ... no small change.

His name is M.J. Kelly, Professor of Engineering at Cambridge University and he believes that, given the tremendous cost of meeting the Paris agreements ... both in monetary and human terms ... that the world needs to have a more vigorous debate about the merits and demerits of carbon dioxide in our environment.

I second and third his argument. The slavish, almost religious following of those scientist and politicians who are trying to panic the world into treating CO2 as a pollutant ... need to step back and look at things a little more soberly. If they just remembered their high school science classes indicating that CO2 is the basis of all life on Earth, they might calm down enough to have Professor Kelly's debate.

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