Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pantsuit Aflame

Hellery Clinton has denied that her private e-mail server was ever hacked ... and has also denied that there were any materials "marked classified" on this server. Well, we know that this second statement is now "inoperative" and it is beginning to look like the first is a whopper too. We just were told that the Clinton Foundation, the Hellery Clinton Campaign, and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) have all had their computers hacked by the Russians ... see: Yahoo News Story. (Thanks to a reader, my son, for this reference.)

For an interesting example of what these Ruskies got from the DNC breach (Hellery's many requirements, other than her huge fees, for when she speaks at some event) see: Daily Caller Article. Notice that one of these demands is for a stenographer ... soooo she must have transcripts of her Goldman Sachs payola talks too.

Now, kind reader, if the Russians can hack into these three Hellery treasure troves, why would they not be able to do the same with her puny e-mail server? Someone's pantsuit is once again aflame ...

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