Saturday, June 04, 2016

Aunt Bee

Remember when Opie Taylor's Aunt Bee (Madeleine Notatalbright) was Secretary of State under Slick Willie ... perhaps I should rephrase that? Well anyway, she did vouch for her predator boss when he was accuses of sex crimes ... and she did recently say that there is a "special place in hell" for a woman who doesn't vote for this sex criminal's enabler, Hellery Clinton. And now this once diplomatic czar has said a very undiplomatic thing ... that e-mails never killed anyone. What? This pin-wearing pin-head said that "nobody is going to die because of what happened on e-mails"? See: Daily Caller Video.

Yes, Aunt Bee, just like books never killed anyone ... say like Mein Kampf or Das Kapital?

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