Saturday, May 14, 2016

Why Not Hillary?

Unfortunately Donald Trump is a coarse and vulgar man who too often says what is on his mind before it is processed by his gray cells. This has and will, unless he mends his ways, cause many problems for him and the United States if he were to be elected president. Nevertheless, I am still going to vote for him for no other reason than the alternative, presumably Hellery Clinton, is far far worse. For, although she is often more careful with what she says, what she will do will certainly be more onerous. She will continue the downhill slide instigated by Obummer and dictated by her bible, "Rules for Radicals" by Saul Alinsky.

So here comes another of my tiresome lists ... noting what I think would likely occur were this vixen elected:

- Our Supreme Court would be packed with loyal liberals who would destroy our Constitution in a few short years ... first to go would be much of our Bill of Rights.

- Globalism would replace nationalism. Our foreign policy would still tilt ... nay tumble toward the Muslim world at the certain expense of our relationship with Israel ... but to the applause of most of our U.N. antagonists. Israel may not even exist at the end of her term(s).

- Any semblance of our U.S. borders or our border security would continue to vanish and we would be inundated with immigrants of all stripes and undesirables ... all of whom would be registered Democrat just as they were signed up for welfare benefits. We would become a sanctuary country.

- As a consequence domestic terrorist attacks would certainly increase as our country would spawn many more E.U.-like "no-go" hellholes and petitions for the imposition of localized Sharia law

- Our welfare system would be expanded beyond imagination with universal free health care, expanded SSI, freeloader payoffs, free higher education, food stamps, etc., etc. to insure that its recipients were obliging to the government for their forever subsistence. The nanny state would become permanent.

- As a consequence our national debt would balloon beyond our ability to pay it back without crippling inflation or default ... both unacceptable alternatives.

- The Clinton Foundation would compromise many American values, national secrets, and prerogatives for disguised payoffs in order to insure the comfortable future for its many posse members ... basically a corrupt criminal enterprise.

- With Bill Clinton as an avatar, our traditional social contracts of hard work, piety and morality would deteriorate into nothingness. The family unit would be replaced by the communal "village." Diversity and inclusion, those diametrically opposed watchwords would continue to oppressively rule our lives. Racial tensions would mount even further.

Enough? Maybe not all these penalties would occur exactly as I have predicted, but pooh-pooh them at your peril.

Of course, take heed you suburban housewives ... Bernie, as president, would be still worse on most counts.

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