Monday, May 09, 2016

Virtual Reality

I just had the most amazing revelation when I saw on TV today a trailer for a movie that was to be released in June (name unimportant) whose characters were all animated. These animations were so well done that it took me a minute to realize that they were not live actors. Now my epiphany was this -- in a very few years, most movies will be made with such pseudo-thespians ... quite a bit cheaper than flesh and blood ones ... maybe even in 3-D. They will not throw fits or be days late for work. And movie directors will have total control over them and their personas.

And guess what this also means? All those insufferable preening actors and actresses who prance around the world telling the rest of us how to live and who to like will disappear ... to be replaced by computer-generated cyborgs who live not. Even stunt and body doubles will vanish. These virtual-reality beings will take no drugs. They will have no lurid sexual affairs. They will endorse no automobiles, no perfumes, no political candidates. The most they will be are hollow voices like on The Simpson. Their visages and bodies will change with each new film and they need never to sag or to wrinkle. They can stay young and vital just as long as their voices do.

And finally the cost of going to the cinema might even go down. Now won't that be a refreshing change!

Afterward: And voice-overs may soon be replaced by synthesized sound which would totally eliminate the human element in screen entertainment.

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