Sunday, May 01, 2016

Tortoise Justice

The Justice Department under Attorney General Loretta Lynch is slow-walking the investigation and possible prosecution of Hellery Clinton in the case involving her using a private e-mail server while she was Secretary of State ... for details see: Washington Post Story. Clearly, since Ms. Clinton is the presumptive nominee of the Democrat party for president, this case has enormous political implications and thus has caused unprecedented problems for this investigation.

As the onset of this imbroglio was last summer when it seems the FBI was first involved using many dozens of its agents, and, as such, a rational person would conclude that the FBI might have wrapped up this case by now, no? No! Obviously, no matter how cleverly our AG Lynch wordsmiths this issue, she is obviously kicking the legal can down the road ... hoping she can postpone things until after this November's election ... at which point it will go away ... for who's going to indict an elected president or punish the loser?

I'm sure our AG knows that old saw -- justice delayed is justice denied. Allow me my own shibboleth -- the dirty oil of politics doesn't mix with the pure water of justice. The people of the United States deserve better than this out of our tortoise-in-chief law-enforcement officer.


  1. Perhaps there is no case?

    1. If there were no case, I think we would have known by now. The news yesterday was that things would not be concluded until after the election. Just as I surmised.
