Thursday, May 26, 2016

St. Peter

If the presidential election option this November is between Hellery Clinton and Donald Trump (and I am increasing doubtful that it will be Hellery), then it boils down to a rather unpalatable choice between the lesser of two evils. In a way one can compare this dilemma to St. Peter inspecting the voluminous life records of these two souls trying to get through the Pearly Gates ... ticking off all of their venial and cardinal sins.

The annals for Trump are replete with venial sins (mostly made because of his large ego and loud mouth)  and, one can easily surmise, a few cardinal sins. On the other hand, Hellery is much more stingy with her venial sins ... but makes up for them in spades on the cardinal side. In fact, this cardinal sin list comprises the majority of St. Peter's huge folio on this fallen woman. Need I list this plethora of her consequential stumbles here?

That is why, much as I, playing St. Peter, would like to deny both of these souls entry into heaven, but, being forced to choose one, will give the wave through to Trump in November.


  1. I hope your list doesn't include debunked accusations regarding Vince Foster or Whitewater. Your previous hero Ken Star has recently re-iterated that his investigations had cleared Hillary of these old unproven claims. Technically, she has committed no "crimes," and walks around as free as Dick Cheney, who should be in jail.

    1. Is that why Obummer is withholding Hellery's Whitewater draft indictment? By the bye, Starr was just ousted as President of Baylor University. I'm not including the Vince Foster affair in my list ... but I might consider it if I had the time to investigate it further.

    2. And I don't think that Cheney is running for president.
