Friday, May 27, 2016

Cause and Effect

Crime rates across the United States are on the rise ... murders, robberies, rapes and other violent crimes are returning to major urban areas after decades of decline ... for instance see this: Washington Post Story. Why might this be so? Here are a few possible causes:

- The Ferguson Effect ... police forces across the nation have seen how they have been castigated and placed in legal jeopardy by what happened in Ferguson, Missouri in late 2014 and in Baltimore, Maryland over a year ago. As a result, there is a growing reluctance to engage in forward-leaning law enforcement. This, in turn, relieves the pressure on would-be criminals with obvious results.

- Illegal immigrants represent a disproportionate percentage of criminals in this country ... see: Powerline Blog Revelations. And being that our current administration is encouraging more illegal immigration, this suggests that this problem can only get worse.

- Above and beyond this inherent illegal immigrant problem, such immigrants who are convicted criminals are being released back into the general population (instead of being deported) in record numbers as part of Obummer's Screw America policy ... see: A Clowder of Cats.

- There is a false narrative being propagated that the sentence reform laws of the 1990s were unfair to minorities and, as a consequence, there is increased pressure, particularly in California to spring many "non-violent" criminals from prison. What is overlooked is that a great many of the violent crimes of these freed felons had been plea-bargained down prior to conviction and sentencing. So we are allowing our bleeding hearts to inflict more bleeding elsewhere on our citizenry.

So, in a few years time, we well could be suffering through another epidemic of violent crimes ... and, if we are lucky enough to have a Republican president, the lame stream media will then have a convenient leader to blame falsely. (If, God forbid, Hellery is in the White House, they will blame Bush '43.)

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