Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Carbon Footprints

The moon is full and the bats are flying ... and Hellery is hiding under her counterpane so that the moonbats won't get tangled in her wig ... er, hair. A few weeks ago Hellery reinforced Obummer's oath to put coal companies out of business ... only she unfortunately also cursed coal miners too in this death threat. Like her former moonbat-in-chief, she stigmatized carbon as being more evil than terrorists and promised to help the world reduce its "carbon footprint." And who trudges through carbon detritus more than miners as they are harvesting coal. When they are back above ground, these miners have, by necessity, a seriously grimy carbon footprint.

Hellery is trembling undercover because she made the rookie mistake of going to West Virginia, where coal is king, to campaign for president ... and was confronted there by coal miners who rationally took umbrage at her threatening to take away their livelihoods. One supposedly friendly and vetted questioner asked an unfriendly question to whit -- how could she "threaten to put coal miners out of jobs?" Clearly taken aback, Hellery hum-a-hummed her way around a fractured political non-answer until her handlers threw a net over this bumptious questioner.

So Hellery has deep-sixed her chances in West Virginia, Montana, Illinois, Kentucky, Wyoming, and good swaths of Pennsylvania and Ohio ... not a good start to her capuring a majority of the Electoral College in November ... all because of her anathema to carbon footprints.

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