Friday, April 08, 2016


Remember that veterans' benefit event that Donald Trump held when he ducked out of the Republican debate in Des Moines, Iowa  (featuring Megyn Kelly) this past January? I mentioned in a blog then that I was disappointed that the money collected therein was going into Trump's personal foundation. Now the Wall Street Journal, in a good piece of follow-up journalism, has determined that, of the $6 million collected then, only $2.4 million has since been passed on to veterans' groups ... see: Breitbart News Story.

Although this could be a typical sleazy political move, I am quite disappointed that Trump, who hopefully doesn't need this money, has been so slow in passing these funds onto the veterans he so publicly praises. I will be watching and reporting on how well Trump lives up to his commitment to veterans. I clearly hope he fulfills this sacred pledge.

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