Saturday, April 30, 2016

Trump's Fans

Dan Amselem, another son of one of my favorite bloggers, The Diplomad, recently attended the Donald Trump's rally in Costa Mesa, California ... the one that should have been featured in the national news but wasn't ... because of the number of protesters waving Mexican flags and trashing cars, including police cruisers. Dan has written an account of this rally that is very informative ... see: The Diplomad. Rather than require that you read this entire narrative, allow me to quote two of its more interesting passages that caught my eye:
The first thing I noticed about those people in line was that it was majority women. I thought, it would be mainly white guys, but no, it was mainly women. Lots of minorities, as well; I was quite surprised.  
As noted, the most interesting part of the rally proved the demographics: it was probably 60% women. Lots of minorities as well, plenty of people holding "Latinos for Trump" signs. It was a good mix of African-American, Asian, White, and Hispanic--everybody got along well. 
Now I know that the popular meme says that women and minorities will not support Trump in the general election if he is the Republican candidate. Dan's observation seems to suggest that this may be another purposeful piece of media misdirection.

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