Saturday, April 30, 2016

Registrate y Vota

Community organizers are essentially the ground game for the Democrat party and, in many instances, this ground game is meant to subvert the laws of the United States ... such as, in California where they are trying to register Latinos to vote so that they can support Democrat candidates in the Fall ... see: The Press Enterprise Story. This article implies that these registration efforts are only for legal immigrants ... but anyone who pays attention knows that illegals are also being recruited (now that, in many states, illegals have driver's licenses.)

And the community organizers doing this work are quite often front organizations like PICO, the Center for Community Change and many others (often funded by government grants and tax-exempt charitable donations) ... see: New York Times Article. This article also points out that many colleges are now offering courses in community organizing and acting as conduits ... feeding this progressive movement.

And these community organizers are also then used on Election Day to get out the Democrat vote.

Before he became a politician, Barack Obummer was a community organizer in Chicago for three years ... see: Byron York Article. Community organization is but one way that the Democrat party maintains its grip on governance despite the fact that only 31% of Americans consider themselves to be liberals ... see: Wall Street Journal Article. The other is liberals' insidious infiltration of higher education and our national media. As I have previously said, no well-meaning government program, like community outreach, cannot be subverted for some self-serving end.

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