Thursday, April 07, 2016

Pillars of Salt

20,000 lesbians from around the world have descended on Palm Springs, California in what has become an annual gathering of rug munchers called "Dinah." This is a gala celebration of rampant sexual freedom and random hookups on a massive scale ... see: The Guardian Story. To me this gathering is something that is unique to our modern times. Try to imagine such a spectacle taking place at any other time or in any other place ... except maybe in Sodom and Gomorrah in the time of Lot.

I guess this is the ultimate test of Judeo-Christianity and the teachings of the Bible. If the departure lounge at the Palm Springs airport is not now chock-a-block full of pillars of salt, then I think we can conclude that the Judeo-Christian religion is on the down slope.

But, I am also a realist. I think it much more likely that I will be punished from on high for calling these ladies "rug munchers."

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