Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Our Next President (It's Not Hillery)

Primary turnout may be a reliable indication of how the two parties can be expected to fair in the following presidential election. This certainly was the case in 2000 and 2008 ... reference the above Pew Research chart (click on to enlarge ... 2016 numbers are updated through March 6, 2016) ... see: Pew Research Numbers for greater detail and explanation. If Republican voters believe those phony AP polls that has Hellery Clinton beating either of their current Republican front runners, they are once again being lead around by the nose by this media malarkey.

Just looking at the above favorable gap between the primary turnout for the Republicans and the Democrats suggests that this November will bring a swing to the Republican candidate just like this surge took place for Obummer in 2008. Even though this gap is not quite as large for the Republicans now as it was for the Democrats then, there still are plenty of primary results to be added to these totals. (This chart could also have been used to predict Bill Clinton's win in 1992. Bush '43's win in 2000, and the contested contest in 2004.)

So, unless the Democrats get all those illegal immigrants to vote for Hellery (possible), it looks like Cruz or Trump will be taking the oath of office next January.

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