Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Mirror

A blog I used to link to, but which went dormant for a while, has reawakened recently ... and its latest posting contains an oblique criticism of, I suspect, this blog ... which makes some good points. Holding a mirror up to oneself isn't always flattering, but is required to keep from losing track of one's reality. Anyway, here is what this blogger (a friend), I think, thinks of Fletcher's Castoria:

These days most of the blogs out there are just lists of new recipes, old religious declarations, timely political and philosophical screeds, tedious pompous punditry, shocking scurrilous salation, asymmetrical acrimonious alliteration, and bellicose bilious blow-hardery.  
No one reads blogs anymore.  The novelty is gone, except for wonks and choir members who need a daily fix of the same worn-out preaching.  Real people don't have time for words anymore.  Just post a picture, dude.  Give me a headline.  Boil it down to a quote.

I try my best ... See: The Other Side of the Hill for the rest of the story.


  1. Well, I am flattered to be quoted here, even though I suspect you are hoping for some of your legions of reader-fans to give me what-for, if for nothing else than my bombastic bloviation.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      Fletchers Castoria is the Greatest!

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Super blog ...

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM


    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      The cat's pajamas!

  3. Your critic has one thing right: he's a bombastic bloviator! Keep doing what you are doing, George. I enjoy the great majority of your postings.
