Friday, April 22, 2016


The Governor of Virginia and a paid-up member of the Clinton posse, Terry McAuliffe has taken a page out of Obummer's playbook ... granting, with an executive action, the right to vote en masse to 206,000 Virginia ex-felons -- murders, robbers, rapists, drug dealers, etc.. McAuliffe's justification for this unprecedented move was that this Virginia prohibition was a legacy of the racist South in that it was meant to depress the black vote ... the sweet irony being that this, in itself, was a racist comment ... since he was implying that apparently ex-felons in Virginia are mostly black ... see: Richmond Times-Dispatch Story.

I wonder what percentage of these 206,000 ex-felons will vote for Hellery Clinton this coming Fall in this critical swing state of Virginia ... perhaps 110%?

This Clinton posse is loyal, clever, reliable and corrupt ... stunningly corrupt ... such corruption being a lesson its members have obviously learned from their masters ... and it is a tumor growing both within and without the Clinton Foundation ... see: The New Mob. Every day in every way this posse is metastasizing throughout this country pushing the Clintons, the Clinton agenda and enabling one another in their corrupt ways.

And, as I have said before, if  Hellery is elected president this fall, this Clinton-posse tumor will metastasize to the point where it might well kill the patient, our nation.

Afterward: See also: Powerline Blog.

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