Thursday, April 28, 2016

Bald Blog

Jeff Bezos
It seems that being a multi-billionaire, mega movie star or chick magnet is not enough these days ... you must also have a chrome dome ... long before your time.

LL Cool J
What is this about, as a young male, having a fully-shaved head and lack of body hair? Is appearing like a newborn baby sexy? Or is it a matter of hygiene? Lice?

Bruce Willis
Perhaps it is to hide the fact that one only has a monk's fringe of real hair and is chagrined by it?

Charles Barkley
Shaving one's head every day must be a real pain in the toucas ... but it has now become de rigueur to show that one is super hip.

Mr. Clean
I shake my hirsute head at this modern mores mania.

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