Wednesday, March 16, 2016

World Opinion

In my blog post, The Morning After, I mentioned how world leaders (and the U.S. national media) are dismayed at the growing possibility of a Donald Trump presidency. The world is perplexed and perturbed ... not appreciating how the American people might elect such a clown and a con-man to lead the free world in this time of growing crisis. However, it could be argued that the decisions these very same international pundits had made were, in fact, mainly causative of this same world-wide crisis.

To draw an important contrast ... wasn't it the naive opinions of these same world leaders eight years ago ... surmising that America's current president would be the solution to all our problems ... even to the point of giving him premature kudos and a Nobel Peace Prize? These international poobahs might be right this time in exhibiting such dyspepsia ... but experience suggests not.

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