Thursday, March 10, 2016

Unaffordable Care Act

Obamacare has been characterized in this blog as the Affordable Careless Act for how poorly it is being administered. Now evidence is surfacing from a Harvard School of Public Health and National Public Radio survey that shows that this attempted revamping of our health-care system is, for many too many people, UNAFFORDABLE ... see: Powerline Blog. The above chart (click to enlarge) drawn from this survey done by these two previously-supportive players of Obamacare and detailed in the above Powerline Blog entry by John Hinderaker tells it all.

If only 4% more of respondents believe that their benefits have increased than decreased (probably the pre-existing conditions exemption and the extension of coverage to older children) ... yet 31% more respondents believe that their co-pays and deductions have gone up ... and 41% more believe that their premiums have gone up ... then one can easily conclude that the word "affordable" in this law was, at best, a horrible sham. Thank you Harry Reid and Nancy Pilosi!

So now, I guess, Obamacare should be called the Unaffordable Careless Act ... and, if Trump or Cruz is elected as our next president, it will become an Unact (not so sure about Trump). Thus, another of Obummer's legacy items, a marble pillar of his presidency, would come crashing down ... hopefully to be replaced by some democratically-enacted health-care sanity.

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