Saturday, March 26, 2016

One Finger Salute

I have previously predicted that President Obummer would do many things in his last year in office to show his disdain for the American people ... see: Hell Year and Skulduggery. Now we see yet another of his one-finger salutes ... coming on the heels of the San Bernardino, Paris and Brussels Islamic terrorist attacks ... and defying the obvious concerns of his citizenry. Obummer is re-pledging to admit 100,000 Syrian immigrants to the U.S. this year ... not in 2017 as he originally dictated ... posing an obvious threat and economic burden to the communities wherein they are to be settled ... see: Washington Examiner Story.

Me thinks that the more criticism that Obummer gets, the more punishment he intends to inflict on us. Maybe we should try a different tactic and distract him for another ten months with oodles of paeans, encourage him to play more golf, and have him teach economics at Columbia ... he is obviously well qualified ... see: Real Clear Politics.

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