Thursday, March 03, 2016

Green Fertilizer

Farmers will often plant a green crop such as alfalfa or timothy and then, after a month or so, plow it under in order to enrich the soil. It's called green fertilizer. Apparently our federal government has similar notions about their environmental, or "green," investments ... only the appropriate word is not fertilizer. It's the s-word. It is "green s-word" and the Department of Energy under the Obummer administration has produced tens of billions of dollars of such s-wordy investments ... no, wrong word ... these were basically give-aways ... otherwise known as crony capitalism. And now the shame of this evil largess is keeping the Department of Energy from releasing key documents to Congress investigators that chronicle these insider deals ... see: Daily Caller Article. Of course this withholding of key documents is illegal ... but when has this been a consideration of one of the most corrupt administration's since Richard M. Nixon.

I have commented on this cringe-worth crony capitalism before ... see: Crony Capitalism and Crony Capitalism Redux. Read 'em and weep.

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