Thursday, March 31, 2016

Durgin Park

The Boston Globe has had a contest to describe a uniquely Boston experience in 50 words. Two of my talented friends have had their submissions accepted. But mine, I think, sits on the cutting room floor ... possibly because of my un-PC reference to Indian pudding. Therefore, I have decided to reproduce this 58 year-old Boston memory here and the Globe be damned:
Very long ago a bunch of us Dartmouths road-tripped to Boston for Wheaton dates. But first we dined at Durgin Park ... with its surly waitresses and thick prime rib. Starving and poor, I could only afford the halibut, called "poor-man's lobster." I ended with Indian pudding. Delicious! Wheaton was diminished.
I just checked Durgin Park's menu on-line. It no longer offers Indian pudding.

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