Friday, February 12, 2016

The Professors Are Winning

Ivory Tower
The drip, drip, drip of liberal teaching in our colleges and universities is finally winning out. In a recent survey 43% of millennials view socialism more favorably than capitalism (with under 33% favorable) ... see: Breitbart Article. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary ... where country after country which has gone down the Bernie Sanders path ... most recently Venezuela ... have ended up economic hellholes, our capitalist-spoiled children would throw it all away for that nirvana of "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability."

In a way you can't fault these tyro thinkers. They believe that they are being idealistic ... and that is good ... but they have no clue as to the consequences of this misguided idealism. Their preaching professors have lived in the cocoon of capitalist largess all their adult lives and the current leader of the Catholic church says that capitalism is "the spawn of the devil." while enjoying the lush luxury created by capitalism. Yes, capitalism is based on economic self interest which is easily misrepresented as greed. But it is the striving for wealth through innovative thought and action that has created our societies of wealth unimagined in the Middle Ages ... a period of widespread repressive poverty to which our current breed of Socialist professors and politicians would have us return.

Yet it would be foolish to aver that greed never is bred under capitalism ... witness Martin Shkreli of Turing Pharmaceuticals whose price gouging has jeopardized his company ... and made him a social pariah. Adam Smith pointed out that the invisible hand of capitalism tends to punish such avaricious entrepreneurs. So when greed exists within capitalism, it tends to be self-defeating. However, unfortunately inequities have also crept into the American tax system and, due to its huge complexity, this system has often become regressive. This needs to be corrected ... but not to a Bernie Sanders degree which would snuff out capitalism alltogether (his intent?) And, if our idealistic youths don't understand that equivalent greed also exists within government, their professors have been criminally derelict.

No wonder both Hellery and Bernie, using free tuition, want to make our public citadels of lower learning even more extensive propaganda factories. That way they can guarantee a steady supply of mind-numbed youthful supplicants.

To conclude, please remember that envy (as well as greed) is also one of the seven deadly sins.

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