Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pop-Culture Presidency

Donald Trump has taken up residence inside my head ... and he is a messy tenant ... leaving dirty socks and his pajamas on the floor and cookie crumbs in the bed, And apparently he has also gotten to President Obummer, as he has repeatedly said that Trump won't replace him in the White House because he is just a "reality show host" ... see: ABC News Story. This is rather ironic coming from a man who has repeatedly used pop-culture media himself to burnish his hip image ... remember "Between the Palms?"

Actually, The Donald and our current selfie-stick president are two sides of the same coin. They both are glittering flotsam in the roiled stream of mindless entertainment that our pop-media culture has created. They both have forsaken what once was the gravitas associated with the presidency for the allure of social-media fluffery. This is why Trump can't be bothered to say exactly how he is going to "make America great again." And Obummer's strategy for defeating ISIS seems constructed out of "hope and change" Twitter posts. This is what their publics apparently want.

There is a karmic parallel between Obummer's number one priority, his golf game ... and The Donald's current investment obsession, golf courses.


  1. Just wondering, whose strategy for defeating ISIS are you supporting?

    1. Bombing its command and control, oil infrastructure, banks, and training facilities ... 24 months ago!
