Friday, January 15, 2016

The Trump Bandwagon

Let's admit the obvious ... Donald Trump is surging all across the country. He is leading a bandwagon that is big and brash and bold and is not to be denied. Why? Simply because he is saying things that speak to the fears and desires of a great many Americans ... on immigration ... on government corruption ... on the gutting of our military ... on America's diminished status in the world ... on the terrorist threat ... on gun control ... on our poor economy ...  on just about everything. Everything that Obummer has done to try to "change" this country into a third-world hellhole (our just desserts for our evil past) has sparked the blue-collar anger and resentment that is producing those overflow crowds at the Trump rallies all across the country ... see: Breitbart Article ... even in the bluest of blue states, Vermont ... Bernie Sanders' stronghold.

Yes, Bernie Sanders is also speaking to a large audience ... mainly younger Americans who also have been disenfranchised by the cronyism that is rampant in D.C. ... but this audience is not really angry. They are more envious and desirous of a piece of this crony pie ... not the loftiest of ideals. Sanders is playing to this Socialist greed and may well out-promise Hillary. But, in the end, he is just a Pollyanna extension to the failures of Obummer.

Just as Obummer was elected due to the mistakes of Bush '43 ... so Trump is leading his surge based upon the many more mistakes of Obummer. Not the best way to govern a country ... from ice floe to ice floe ... but, unfortunately, the pattern in which we find ourselves. If Trump is elected, will he make mistakes? You betcha! He will likely unleash a racial and class polarization that may well pave the way for a Bernie Sanders-type to take the presidency in eight of twelve years. The suspicions and visceral hatred that the liberal elites feel toward Trump are not all hogwash. Trump is likely to go overboard with many of his fixes to Obummer's excesses ... paving the way for the next political charlatan to fix the fixes.

Such, it seems, is our destiny.

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