Monday, January 25, 2016

The British Dichotomy

In an uncharacteristic non-Dartmouth-related post, Joseph Asch recounts Winston Churchill's courageous words and deeds in resisting Nazi Germany's aggressions leading up to the Second World War ... contrasting them with President Obummer's appeasing actions surroundong his Iranian nuclear capitulation ... see: Dartblog Posting.

I suppose we now have a clue as to why Obummer, in one of his first actions as president, had Churchill's bust removed from the Oval Office,

And, on a more personal level, even as a young boy, I can still recall my dismay as the British electorate jettisoned Churchill from the office of Prime Minister shortly after the war was over in favor of that twit, Clement Attlee and then later that fop, Anthony Eden. The national psyche of Britain exhibits a clear dichotomy ... rising to greatness in times of crisis ... only to mortgage it all as soon as leisure permits.

Do we see a parallel psyche here in the United States?


  1. Every now and again, you might check your facts. This is 100% false. The bust still in the White House. In the Residence. Outside the Treaty Room. It was moved from the oval office to make room for a bust of Lincoln.

    1. In this case I trust the Washington Post ... see:

    2. If you actually read the article you cited above, you might find this, "There is no evidence that Obama personally decided to return the bust." They gave Cruz 2 Pinochios for dredging up the old accusation and "...making a mountain out of a molehill."

    3. You're right ... there is obviously not enough room in the Oval Office for two busts ... and Obummer was just too busy with his March Madness bracket picks to notice that Churchill had gone missing.
