Monday, February 01, 2016

Squab Hunting

Many years ago I witnessed an interesting event on the streets of New York, I was walking near the Lexington Avenue Armory when I saw a man feeding the pigeons. Suddenly a nearby box opened up springing a net which enveloped about a half dozen of these feeding pigeons which were then scooped up by this man and put in the box ... quick as a wink. I was a little taken aback by the speed and efficiency of this predation ... but quickly wrote it off to some Manhattan restaurant's obtaining fresh squabs (read pigeons) for its dinner menu. Now it appears that this squab hunting practice still continues these many years later  ... see: CBS New York Story.

Afterthought: Restaurants serving this bounty ought to call it "free-range squab -- not raised in cages" as a snarky attempt to mollify the PETA crowd.

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