Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Nose Tweaking

For the second time in two weeks Iran is tweaking the nose of the United States just days before we are scheduled to release $100 billion of its funds that have been been frozen for years. First it shot rockets across the bow of the U.S. aircraft carrier, Harry S. Truman in the Gulf of Hormuz ... see: NBC Story. And then on the eve of Obummer's State of the Union address, this band of militant mullahs took hostage 10 U.S. sailors after their two boats wandered into Iranian-claimed waters in the Persian Gulf ... see: Washington Post Article. And even more, last Fall, Iran tested a ballistic missile in violation of United Nation's sanctions ... see: Reuters Article. All these nose tweaks are conveniently ignored and swept under the carpet so that the so- called nuclear agreement with Iran is not compromised. (An agreement, by the way, Iran has yet to sign.)

Afterward: See also: Breitbart Revelations for more U.S. humiliations emanating from our friends in Iran.

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