Saturday, January 23, 2016

Coming Around ...

Secretary of State John Kerry has confessed to the obvious -- Iran will use some of the tens of billions of dollars released under the recent nuclear agreement he negotiated with it to support terrorism ... see: Powerline Blog Entry. Obummer's and Kerry's rationale for abetting such terrorism is that Iran will not get the atomic bomb for ten more years. This "greater good" is clearly an illusion because Iran has always been duplicitous ... and will be so again. This fanciful expectation of Iran changing its ways is a victory of hope over rationality.

If even one American soldier ends up wounded or killed by these American carom-shot-funded terrorists, the proponents of this pact with Iran clearly will have blood on their hands. Enabling such acts, even by proxy, is worse than despicable ... it is traitorous.

Kerry's candid yet, to me, mind-numbing confession stands with his early hate-America testimony to Congress during the Vietnam war. This man clearly cannot see when he is pissing on the American flag ... and on all of our young men and women who carry it into battle. Yet he is honored by his party and by his Genghis-Khan of a president. How low can we sink?!

What once was going around is now coming around ...

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