Tuesday, January 05, 2016

2016 Predictions

Once again I post some of the more interesting predictions made at our traditional New Year's Eve festivities:

- Kasich is on Republican ticket with Ted Cruz
 - ISIS will be eliminated but darker force takes its place

One of George’s blogs will be picked up by major newspaper

Fitbit recalls millions of units – give false sense of higher activity

Bill Cosby is NOT found guilty

Merkel is out in Germany                          

Saudi Arabia will be attacked by ISIS or al Qaeda

Hillary wins – appoints Trump Secretary of State

A terrorist strike in London and Berlin

An illness takes Donald Trump out of presidential race                 

And here are a few of the right-on predictions from last year:

ISIS creates chaos in France 

De Blasio will take NYC back to the chaos under David Dinkins

Obamacare will suffer serious setbacks

Patriots win Super Bowl

Malaysian Airlines flight 370 will finally be located

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