Friday, December 04, 2015

The Oath

When our president twice took his oath of office, he swore to protect the American people from "all enemies, foreign and domestic." I can't believe that anyone truly believes that Obummer has fulfilled this pledge. Here are but a few of the instances where he has fallen down on his job one:

The Fast and Furious scheme inside his Justice Dept., his premature pullout from Iraq, his release of thousands of immigrant criminals, his unwillingness to identify the radicalized Muslim enemy, the series of terrorist attacks inside the U.S. on his watch, the release of hundreds of terrorists from Gitmo, his open borders policy, his tepid response to the ISIS threat, the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange, his politically motivated "surge" in Afghanistan with no chance of success, his embracing of the Muslim Brotherhood, his sponsoring the Arab Spring and its dire consequences (Egypt, Libya, etc.), and his capitulation to Iran on their nuclear program/sponsorship of terrorism.

Enough? (There are lots more.) Obviously this man then had scant regard for this oath ... or the Book upon which he swore it.

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