Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Potty Talk

Hillary Clinton was tardy for the second time during the Democrat debates ... returning from the bathroom during one of the commercial breaks ... so late this time that the moderators started their questions directed to the candidate next to her empty podium. Various explanations have been offered for this potty delay ... the distance to the woman's bathroom was further than to the men's ...  and, as she indicated in the first case, "It takes me longer."

However, it appears that the delay in this most recent instance was really because Queen Hillary won't share the ladies room with anyone else ... see: Breitbart Story for the interesting details. I find this shyness on Hillary's part quite curious.

Now I also find this incident amusing and even ironic since Hillary has been an outspoken advocate for transgender people to be able to share bathrooms and locker rooms with the sex that they identify with.... even though it may not be the one with which they are physically typed ... see: Another Breitbart Story. So here is yet another reason why this woman deems herself royal. She can behave in ways far above that which she would impose on the rest of us peons.

I thought that we fought the Revolutionary War to rid ourselves of this regal bullshit.

Afterward: I suspect that her aide, who didn't keep the bathroom unoccupied, has been skinned alive by her queen ... and is now looking for a new occupation.

After afterward: For more on this see: Daily Caller Story.

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