Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Peacock Tongues

In the corrupt and dying days of the Roman Empire, it's leaders indulged in excesses of all types ... sexual, criminal, foppish and gluttonous. They dissolved precious pearls in their wine and had sumptuous feasts of cock's combs and peacock tongues. I think we are beginning to see a distasteful replication of these Roman indulgences in our current cast of poltroon politicians. A few days ago I predicted the kind of excesses we might see at the recent Climate Summit in Paris ... see: The French Connection. I think I hit the nail on the head:

The above photo displays the extravagant excesses enjoyed by Obummer, John Kerry and other world "leaders" at one of their lavish "down on CO2" feasts in Paris while, at the same time, finding the unmitigated gall to lecture the rest of the world on how we need to do what they say ... and not what they do.

Which way to the vomitorium?

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