Thursday, December 31, 2015


In light of the revelation that the NSA has been intercepting phone calls made by those in Congress, a caller to a talk show yesterday put this fact together with much of the counter-intuitive behavior that has been exhibited in our legislature (recent omnibus budget vote) and in our court system (John Roberts' strange flip flop on Obamacare) ... maybe even within the administration. Could it be that our White House, through this or an equivalent process, has assembled many juicy pieces of scandalous data on many in our legislature and on our courts ... and are using this info to sway the opinions of these individuals?

Add to this the possibility that there might have been a few brave souls who didn't bow to such revelation threats and thus were made examples of  ... Senator Menendez? ... General Petraus? ... This coercive behavior essentially would duplicate what J. Edgar Hoover did when he ran the FBI.

Am I being politically incorrect again?


  1. No, you are mistaking correlation for causation, with not a shred of evidence to back up your insinuations. That's not political correctness, that's fuzzy thinking.

    1. Induction is a valid form of logical thinking ...
