Saturday, November 07, 2015

Our Drug Scourge

Deaths from drug overdoses in the United States are far outpacing those from guns or auto accidents ... see: Breitbart Article. Isn't it interesting that President Obama is only obsessed with one of these societal scourges ... firearms ... which are protected by the Second Amendment of our Constitution ... and skipping illicit drug abuse... which isn't.

I could be wrong but I don't recall his highness ever focusing his steely gaze on our devastating and growing drug problems. Could this be because he himself once was also a major enjoyer of such illegal pharmaceuticals? Matter of fact, this administration is now hell-bent on releasing 6,000 three-time drug crime losers from prison ... I suspect this is politically motivated ... and a move that we might all come to regret ... see: New York Times Article. (And, as it turns out, the vast majority of these "drug user" prisoners were often violent drug dealers who plea-bargained down their sentences.)

How come our president so very often seems to be ignoring harsh realities and leading us, Pied Piper like, to remedy issues which are only high on his own political agenda? Is he so misguided and ideological that he can't emphasize our country's real scourges?


  1. Guess you missed this from two weeks ago:

    1. My bad ... yes he did focus on this issue in West Virginia. Let us see if he follows up ...

  2. This too is the mental health problem, although the problem is self-destruction rather than killing someone else.
