Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Global Cooling

Apparently, from the 3% of scientists who don't believe in the CO2-driven global warming mythology, there are some who believe that the ten year period from 2030 to 2040 will bring a mini ice age. This will be due to our sun going into its periodic quiet period ... see: UK Express Story. This freeze would mimic to a lesser extent the Maunder Minimum ... a seventy year period of extremely cold weather that occurred in the late 1600's when the River Thames was frozen solid.

The main author of this study, Professor Valentia Zharkova of Northumbria University (along with other associated researchers) have gone into hiding until after the upcoming climate change conference in Paris ... least she becomes the target of President Obama's wrath.

In a related story, it has now been revealed ... by NASA no less ... that the sea ice in Antarctica is growing rather than shrinking as many have reported ... and has recently reached a record high ... see: NASA Story.

I think I might go into hiding too.

Afterward: see also: Powerline Blog.

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