Saturday, November 14, 2015


Over the next few days and weeks, Western television sets will be bloated with politicians of all nationalities decrying the kind of terrorism just experienced in Paris. They will bluster about the carnage. Some will bluster about turning back the threats posed by radical Islam. They will raise the battle flags and swear not to stop until this existential threat is eliminated. They will bluster further and name numerous measures that will be taken to protect their populations from such mayhem. They may even carry out a few acts of vengeance.  Yes, they will bluster ... they will prance ... they will pose ... for that is what current politicians do

Then they will retire to their sumptuous rooms in their 5-star hotels and sit down to fabulous gourmet meals while tsk-tsking these recent horrendous events. Next, they will retreat to their well-guarded seashore villas and somehow, over their fifth glass of 99-rated Pommard, forget what they had just promised a short while before.

For that is what current politicians do.

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