Monday, November 16, 2015

Actions Instead of Words


President Obama just gave an impassioned talk in Turkey in which he reiterated his misbegotten views of Islam ... saying that this religion is not one of violence and that it is Muslims who are the overwhelming victims of those radicals (a bit of a contradiction). He also warned that the West's equating of ISIS with the Muslim faith will only lead to larger recruitment of such terrorists. And he also cautioned that to use a religious test to sift out potential terrorist from among the Syrian immigrants is not the American way and is shameful. For those of you who want to scratch you head over Obama' s full speech, it is reproduced HERE..

Excuse me Mr. President but you are full of hot air. Your actions defy your words. Time and time again you have ignored opportunities to begin to move the Muslim religion away from its radical tendencies and have enabled them to march further into the depths of depravity. Your strategy to "diminish and defeat" these ISIS savages and the other radical elements of Islam does nothing but let them have their leash. Let me count the ways:

- From the very first days of your presidency, you have embraced and met with the Muslim Brotherhood ... a group that has since been identified as a terrorist organization.

- You have diminished and slighted Israel at every opportunity ... the only true ally we have in the Middle East and a major bulwark against the radical elements of Islam.

- When el Sisi, President of Egypt, called for a "reformation" within Islam for it to denounce its more radical tenants, what was your reaction? You stayed stunningly mum.

- You pulled our troops out of Iraq ... only to have this country sink below the waves and spawn ISIS. And instead you created a surge of 30,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan ... the "good war." However, the rules of engagement you imposed upon then neutered them to the point where nothing got accomplished ... except "green on blue" killings of Americans by turncoat Afghans.

- You have repeatedly crowed that the greatest threat to world security is ... climate change! Yes, climate change!! We don't have enough turnip trucks in the United States for our people to fall off of for this bit of sinister misdirection to be believed.

- President Obama, last year, proudly released five hardened Islamic terrorists back to the battlefield in exchange for the Army deserter, Bowe Bergdahl ... one of the most bone-headed prisoner exchanges in history.

- And when Egypt offered the Palestinian Authority large swaths of the Sinai Peninsula so that they could  expand the Gaza Strip into a real two-state solution, what was your reaction? You refused to even acknowledge this act of statesmanship of Egypt's part.

- Your attempts to neutralize ISIS, for some strange reason, did not include the bombing of its capital, Raqqa, or the elimination of the oil infrastructure that provides much of its operating budget. In fact the number of air sorties over Iraq and Syria that you have authorized are but a tiny fraction of what would be required ... with 2/3rds of our jets returning with their weapons unused. You have no strategy to defeat ISIS ... you barely have any tactics.

-You have cozied up to the Ayatollahs in Iran and given them the resources to continue their sponsorship of Islamic terrorism throughout the world ... and clearly given a path to atomic weapons.

Need I document more of your tilt toward Islam?

Mr. President, I can't imagine that, if you truly believe in the bilge that was spewing out of your pie hole, that you would have behaved, over the last seven years, in the ways other than what I have just recounted.


  1. I AM scratching my head. That speech is from April 6, 2009... six years ago. So saying "President Obama just gave an impassioned talk to the Turkish Parliament" stretches the meaning of "just". See

    1. My bad. I watched this speech this AM and thought I had found it on Google. I was sloppy ... but have replaced the link with the right one. Thanks.

  2. Always happy to vette your assertions.

    I do not argue that the handling of everything Middle East and ISIS makes every national leader seem ineffective, even Saudi Arabia and Russia. Only the commentators seem to know exactly what to do.

    1. They may be stepping into a vacuum?
