Monday, October 19, 2015


"Truth is beauty and beauty, truth."  -- Keats

(This blog entry is only tangentially related to the Rathergate movie, Truth.)

Truth is an elusive elfin sprite. She is a Tinker Bell caught in a typhoon of ignorance, self-serving mendacity, superstition and media obfuscation. And often when this genie is captured in a bottle, she turns to dust with new information. This is because truth in one narrow context may not hold in a broader milieu. For instance while "turn the other cheek" may be fine for the individual, it may not be the best policy for a nation. But universal truth-telling is essential for truly successful governance ... and it is a very rare commodity these days in Washington.

Thus I am currently inclined to use veracity as a yardstick to measure our roster of candidates for president ... and, to me, the greatest truth tellers are Jim Webb, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, and Marco Rubio. Donald Trump might make the list if he constantly didn't engage of puerile put-downs of his Republican rivals. Guess who is on the bottom rung of this believability ladder ranking.among this bunch of wannabes? And, surprisingly, the one who captures my heart and my brain on the top rung is Dr. Carson ... for no other reason than he is willing to tell truths that go against the media meme ... and not back down when challenged.

Yes, my current favorite, if elected president, would find himself in a hornet's nest of backbenchers and backstabbers. But somehow I feel that he, like Abraham Lincoln, has the perspicacity to surround himself with learned deputies who would help him through the gauntlet of incompetence that is Washington.

In fact, if Ben Carson were lucky enough to make it as the Republican candidate, I would suggest he choose as his campaign's motto ... "The Truth Teller."


  1. George, great to have you back.

    But I am perplexed by your support of Dr Carson. Did I misunderstand him when he proposed that more teachers and school administrators go to work with a gun in their pocket? Did I further misunderstand him that evolution has something to do with Satan? If I did misunderstand him on both counts, mea culpa. If I didn't , WHAT ARE YOU THINKING, GEORGE.

    But it is truly great to have you back!


    1. It takes all kinds. And he is a Seven-Day Adventest ... And left a sponge in someone after an operation. But he at least is not in favor of Sharia law superceding our Constitution.

    2. Insofar as the pseudo-science of creationism, this is far less sinister and harmful than the pseudo-science of global warming. I am therefore willing to give him a bit of latitude on this issue.
