Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pants-Suited Piranha

Hillary Clinton has had a very good week and a day. It all started with Bernie Sanders falling on his sword over Hillary's e-mail server problem in the first Democrat  debate. (I wonder what his reward has been promised for this bit of generosity ... Secretary of Labor?) ... and it ended yesterday when Joe Biden dropped out of contention for the Democrat nomination. (Here in Boston radio commentator, Howie Carr, wondered what racehorse gave its life and it's head to be found in Biden's bed.)

And today the pant-suited piranha goes in front of the House committee investigating the Benghazi murders to testify about her role in this sleazy matter. I am certain that any incriminating information that this committee has gathered has been fed to her by the committee's Democrats so that Hilary now has well-rehearsed answers.

And if anyone believes that the Obama administration's  FBI investigation into the Clinton e-mail server issue has not already been compromised by the Clinton Foundation political juggernaut, they have not been awake for these last seven years. Yes, it seems that the whole rationale for Hillary becoming our 45th president is her gender and our uninformed electorate might just buy into this bit of pop-culture inanity.

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