Saturday, September 05, 2015

Walk the Plank

I guess it's time for me to bloviate on the County Clerk in Rowan, Kentucky, Kim Davis, who has refused to grant marriage licenses to gay couples and has, as a consequence, been thrown in jail ... see: Story. Politicians, of course, are also taking both sides in this dog fight ... Republicans, often sympathetic to Ms. Davis ..,. and Democrats, requiring that she walk the plank. So, for what it is worth, here's where I come down:

I believe the Ms. Davis has a perfect right, in the proud tradition of civil disobedience in this country, to ignore a law when such a law conflicts with her strongly-held religious beliefs ... just as our imperial president chooses which laws he will enforce based upon his wildly gyrating moral compass. However, when one does disobey the law ... and we are a nation of laws ... there needs to be consequences. In Ms. Davis' case, I think jail-time is too harsh a penalty. Perhaps she could be forced to relinquish her job and pay a small fine?

In President Obama's case, it might be OK if he were asked to walk the plank.

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