Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Obama Agenda

Over the last seven years President Obama has revealed three major thrusts to his political agenda:

- Muslim accommodations -- by refusing to refer to jihadists or Muslim extremists by these appellations, by cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood -- a clearly extremist organization, by offering only token resistance to the ISIS threat, by negotiating a sham agreement with Iran over its nuclear ambitions, by dissing Israel at every opportunity and insisting that it return to its 1948 borders, by admitting hundreds of thousands of Muslim "immigrants" into the United States preferring them over other religions, by staying mum as thousands of Christians are murdered and enslaved in Africa and the Middle East by Muslim extremists, by observing Muslim holidays in the White House, by repeatedly refusing to call terrorist attacks in this country by that name (workplace violence?) ... and too many more to mention.

- Black accommodations -- by inviting the Black Lives Matter radical organization to the White House, by saying the the Cambridge police force acted "stupidly" in the Chip Gates case, by refusing to condemn the recent rash of police officers killings by black miscreants, by saying that Trayvon Martin "could have been my son," by only proposing blacks to be Attorney General and to many other important government administrative positions, by continuously fanning the flames of racial divide by his speeches and his actions, by refusing to disavow Rev. Jeremiah Wright for his racist comments, by calling his grandmother "a typical white person" ... and too many more to mention.

- Gay accommodations -- by "evolving" to a position supporting gay marriage, by bathing the White House in rainbow lights after the gay-marriage decision by the Supreme Court, by removing the "don't ask don't tell" rule for military service, by naming an openly gay man to be Secretary of the Army, by having numerous gays as high-level advisory positions, by frequently pushing the gay rights agenda in speeches, by hosting a LGBT Pride event at the White House, by opening the Peace Corps to same sex couples, by backing gays as Boy Scout leaders ... and too many more to mention.

And there are other controversial causes he is also pushing ... but what, in fact, does the above track record suggest about the predilections of our president? One, possibly two are obvious. No more hints ...

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