Sunday, September 20, 2015


Secretary of State John Kerry, mimicking his totalitarian boss has just unilaterally announced that the United States will legally admit 100,000 immigrants in 2017 ... see: New York Times Story. Wow! Go back and read this statement carefully ... it is designed to deceive. Is Kerry (who once served in Vietnam Nam) saying that we will just be admitting 100,000 immigrants of any stripe ... or 100,000 Muslim immigrants ... or 100,000 Syrian immigrants? Are these the total numbers or are they just the increases in the existing numbers?

Clearly, Kerry is purposely misleading the American press and the American people with these well-chosen weasel words. He is playing three-card Monte ... now you see the numbers, now you don't.

Well as it turns out. the United States already allows over 250,000 legal Muslim immigrants into this country every year ... and who knows how many more illegal ones are finding their way in  ... see: Breitbart Story. (Read this link if you don't believe me ... which I suspect many of you won't.) So whom are we to believe? That arm-waving bunko artist John Kerry? Or the official numbers as reported by our government?

Is this slight-of-hand skulduggery also how Hanoi John has negotiated our nuclear pact with Iraq ... and is attempting to sell it to Congress?

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