Friday, September 11, 2015


I have been batting like the ol' Ted Williams  of late ... predicting the U.S. stock market swoon arising out of the Asian contagion  ... see: Broken China ... and recently forecasting that Obama would, by fiat, allow droves of Syrian refugees into the United States ... see: Good Fences. See the Syrian refugee prediction coming true here: U.S. News Story. Not to mention my prescience about "climate change" and Hillary Clinton.

Now, if only I could get nominated to the Soothsayer Hall of Fame ...


  1. Hardly. Like predicting that the sun will rise tomorrow. The China syndrome is a bit more like a balloon getting deflated a bit, a concept that all Patriot's fan know you can dance away from. Not so much 'contagion' IMO but a real burst depends on the citizens losing faith. Still possible but not IMO imminent. The swoon... yes, we are delicate flowers in the US, overreacting to any crisis that is not of our own making. As to immigrants, Germany says that they will accept 800,000... that's 80 times our commitment and we are the country founded on immigration again and again. I imagine that the Irish and the Jews were looked on suspiciously in their
    times of crisis. As to climate change, the proof is longer term: when the first tee on Palm Beach golf courses are underwater, there will be a call to action. And as to Hillary, not she or Bush or Trump will be President. I predict that.

    1. I'll concur with your presidential prognostications. I think that Obama said "at least" 10,000 Syrians will be admitted (under the oversight of our ever-alert and politicized ICE). If you think He will stop at that number then you will also believe that 97% of scientists believe in global warming.
