Thursday, September 03, 2015

Imperial Powers

It appears that the Senate Democrats now have the 34 votes needed to block an override of President Obama's vetoing of the Congressional disapproval of his Iran nuclear deal ... see" AP News Story. Senator Barbara Milkulski is retiring and therefore has nothing to lose by throwing Israel to the Iranian wolves. However I do hope that the Republicans still pass this resolution of disapproval and force Obama's hand in this matter. Since 70% of the American people oppose this Iranian nuclear pact, President Obama, once again, is governing against the will of the American people.

Once this legislative sham is completed,  I do hope that the Senate then immediately takes this matter to the Supreme Court saying that this really is a treaty and so requires a 2/3rds vote in the Senate to be ratified. I think that this then could be a clean rebuke of Obama's grasping for imperial powers. But knowing how wimpy Mitch McConnell is, I'm not holding my breath.

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