Thursday, August 06, 2015

The Whip Hand

Hillary Clinton clearly has the whip hand when it comes to the Democrat Party ... witness how fuzzy and feckless is the scheduling of the Democrat presidential debates ... see: Democrat Debate Schedule. It doesn't take too many smarts to realize that this "speculative" debate schedule ... with just about everything marked "TBD" ("to be determined" for those of you in Rio Linda) ... is indicative of a great deal of control being exerted by Hillary's mob enforcers.

Why is this you ask? Clearly Hillary Clinton has a great many questions she doesn't want asked by the moderators of such debates ... or her opponents like Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley or Jim Webb. The uncertainty surrounding the dates, places and formats of these supposed six Democrat debates ... this late in the game, leads me to suspect that even these nebulous parameters are subject to change at the whim of Hillary.

And given that her news and polls keep getting worse ... and assuming that Veep Joe Biden enters the race in September ... I will not be surprised to see further deterioration of this debate scheduling... under the snapping cat-o-nine-tails of Cruella Clinton.


  1. "this late in the game" ??? Gosh, only 460 days until voting day.

    1. I was referring to it being kinda late for nailing down the Democrat debate schedule ...

  2. Even so, this long run-up to the election is like asking the Red Sox to do a retrospective on next year's completed baseball season. Now some of the dates and locations are revealed. Must be more of the validation thing of yours...
