Friday, August 21, 2015

Holy Meddler

Pope Francis is going to be addressing Congress on Sept. 24th and it is very likely that he will once again meddle in the internal affairs of the United States regarding our illegal immigration problem  ... see: Rollcall Article. This Pope continues to unveil his radical liberal views nurtured in that failed South American country, Argentina ... see: True Colors. To me, he seems more and more compelled to do something with his prominent facial appendage.

Maybe the United States should start telling this Pontiff about what he should be doing to revamp the Catholic Church? And also maybe the Vatican City should now house and feed a few hundred thousand illegal African immigrants who have been flooding into Italy?


  1. I can see him walking across the border from Mexico into the US. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are there with a fence, artillery, and heavy machinery. They mock the Pope with a crown of thorns and saddle him with a cross, and then march him around town. You know the rest...

    1. I have yet to see any of the politicians you mention exhibit any real hostility toward His Holiness ... unlike yours truly.

  2. OK. I can see him walking across the border from Mexico, arms outstretched and thousands of children beside him, into the US...

    1. Will he turn water into tequila ... and tortillas into Baked Alaska?
