Friday, August 14, 2015

Flag Ceremony

Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Havana, Cuba today to mark the official opening of the United States Embassy there with a flag ceremony. He showed up in a Che Guevara tee shirt and cutaways. And, instead of hoisting the Stars and Stripes there for the first time in fifty-four years, he threw Old Glory over the embassy fence.

But before leaving to return to the United States, Kerry was rumored to be seeking to buy a large parcel of prime ocean-front property at a rock-bottom price. He also was thought to be buying a few cases of the best Cuban cigars.

Afterward: Since my wife didn't understand the reference of throwing the flag over the fence, I guess I need to explain. John Kerry, who once served in Viet Nam, became an anti-war activist (see above picture) and, in order to show his displeasure, threw his military medals over the White House fence. Years later someone visiting Senator Kerry's office saw his medals on the wall and ask where they came from. Kerry responded, "Oh, those were someone else's medals that I threw."

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