Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Anchor Babies

You've heard the liberal talking points ... you can' deport 11-12 million illegal aliens ... it would cost trillions of dollars to do so ... how are you going to overturn the Constitution? (Not that we haven't done this in the past.) These shibboleths are just a bunch of hogwash. We can indeed fix our illegal immigration problem if we have the spine to do it.

Donald Trump was confronted with a reporter's hostile question at the Iowa State Fair Monday about the high cost of deporting all the illegal aliens. His answer was, as usual, right on point ... "What does it cost us not to deport them. We either have a nation or we don't have a nation." As it turns out there is a recent analysis on what it actually might cost to round up and deport some 11-12 million illegal aliens (CNBC calls them "undocumented workers" ... we should only hope that they all are working). The number arrived at was 5 to 15 billion dollars a year over a twenty year period ... see: a somewhat slanted  CNBC Article. To me 10 billion dollars a year is a mere pittance ... a rounding error in the United States' $3.8 trillion annual budget.

I further suggest that it is vital we start these deportations with the dangerous criminals ... and leave the ones with verifiable jobs and families to the latter years. In between here would be my rough priorities in terms of who gets booted out ... gang members and small-time criminals with multiple misdemeanors ... those granted amnesty fraudulently  ... illegals from terrorist nations ... aliens carrying false or multiple identities ... the mentally unstable ... people on welfare or who have come here to drop anchor babies ... and, finally, non-core family members of illegals. But I might make an exception for illegals who have served in our armed forces for two or more years and who have been honorably discharged.

And Donald Trump's (actually Jeff Session's) suggestion on how to pay for these deportations ... with a tax on the $123 billion of remittances that aliens send home every year ... makes enormous sense ... see: Business Insider Story.  A 5% tax should do it.

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